Non of this vacancy at BANK OF CEYLON

Non of this


Government Sector

Industry : Finance

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Non of this

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Government Sector

Industry : Finance

Vacancy details



Working time

Full time


75,000 - 100,000 LKR


1 year Required


Degree Required


924 days ago (2022/08/01)

Closing in

912 days (2022/08/13)

Organization contact details



Administration Unit


Bank of Ceylon, No.1, BOC Square, Bank of Ceylon Mawatha, Colombo . 01 Sri Lanka,
Sri lanka

Job Description


The Bank of Ceylon, premier state owned commercial bank ranked among the top 1000 global banks, top 500 largest banks in the Asia Pacific Region and No.1 in Sri Lanka, is looking for suitably qualified, experienced, dynamic and results oriented young persons to fill the following positions in the Technology  Division of the Bank:

Network / Communication Engineer


Eligibility Criteria


1 . Qualifications and Experience

  Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or Information Technology or Information & Communication Technology or Engineering obtained from a local or foreign university, recognized by UGC of Sri Lanka and 1 year experience  in the Network and Telecommunication field


 Bachelor’s  Degree in Computer Science or Information Technology or Information & Communication Technology or Engineering obtained from a local or foreign university recognized by UGC of Sri Lanka and CCNA certification


  BSc Degree from a local or foreign university, recognized by UGC of Sri Lanka and CCNA certification and 1 year experience in the Network and Telecommunication field


2. Other Attributes

 Self-motivated and Results oriented Ability to travel to outstation branches on demand basis



30  years or below as at closing date


4.Terms & Conditions

 The post will be subject to the general Terms  and Conditions of the Bank’s Service, but outside the normal Banking Stream (Closed Service)

 If found suitable, candidates will be confirmed  in the permanent cadre of the Bank after a probationary period of two (02) years as Network / Communication Engineer  – I

Salary scale applicable to the post is Rs. 62,060/-   –  Rs. 81,660/- Rs. 980/-  X  20

(An approximate initial gross salary with variable cost of living allowance is around Rs. 143,000/-  Per month )

 Expected  to work beyond normal working hours and weekends / holidays

 Expected to work beyond normal working   hours and weekends / holidays


Selection Procedure

Shortlisted candidates at a competitive examination will be selected by an interview;

The marks obtained at the competitive examination will be used only for shortlisting the candidates for the interview.


Application Procedure

Send your resume by using the specimen application form which can be downloaded from our website: (under the “Careers” tab) together with the photocopies of your Birth Certificate, National Identity Card, all educational certificates and documents to prove your experience by registered post, with top left-hand corner of the envelope marked the post you have applied for, to the below address to reach us on or before 13.08.2022.

Any application not meeting the above required eligibility criteria as at the closing date or submitting without photocopies of relevant supportive documents or submitting incorrect information or received after the closing date will be rejected at any stage of the recruitment without any further notice.

 Chief Manager (Sourcing & Career Development)

 Bank of Ceylon

 26th Floor – Head Office

 “BOC Square”

 No.1, Bank of Ceylon Mawatha, Colombo 01.

Any form of canvassing will lead to immediate disqualification.

The Bank reserves the right to call only the short-listed candidates.

The Bank reserves the right to decide the number of positions to be filled or postpone/ cancel the recruitment